

Make like a tree

I used to hate gold jewelry. I thought it looked tacky and couldn't stand to wear it. I am now getting to the point where I am attracted to a lot of gold pieces. About a year ago I picked up some larger gold leaf earings from World Market.
 (The picture makes them look silver/ irridescent but they are actually gold... sorry sometimes my iPhone doesn't quite understand me...)
They were definitely something new for me, being used to wearing pretty small studs, but I loved them. The only problem was I always felt like I needed to wear a necklace with them but couldn't find the right style.
Enter my birthday present from my friend Steph, or who I refer to as Pancho. She is amazing. And her amazingness covers the Anthropolgy gift card department as well. When I was browsing the online store I came across something I saw that I could not live without :) Enter the perfect gold leaf necklace. That was made for me. And my gold leaf earings. And makes the world a better place. Period.

It makes my heart so happy.Do you know what else makes my heart happy? Tomorrow will be the last day at my job. I am starting a new one on Monday, working for a couple that is like my second family. I just love them and am so excited to work for them. I have worked at this place since I was a sophomore in high school. It's time for a change.
Something else that makes my heart happy is the book Plans Purposes & Pursuits by Kenneth E Hagin.

This book is so full of truth. Authors that can list their own mistakes and successes so you can see how God works in others lives can give you such a good example for living. I am about halfway through it right now. After spending some time reading last night I just spent some time with God. He has been just dumping His love on me the past couple days and it is so refreshing. Sometimes when I don't know what to pray anymore I just start praying scripture. I was reading and praying Psalms 138 and 139 and man, I just got lost in His love. I've missed that feeling. I am so thankful for a God that just lets us rest in His presence. He amazes me everyday :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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