Love Love Love it!
Do you know what else I love about Fridays? A while back I established Michael Jackson Friday in my office. It makes my workday go by quicker and there is very little music that brings me as much joy as the King of Pop did (RIP). Sooo here is my Friday Playlist :)
This is going to be a pretty busy (but fun) weekend for me. I'm going to get together with some friends of mine tonite and then spend the day with my best friend and some family friends out at Shepherd's homecoming tomorrow. I love small town celebrations, it should be a blast. I haven't decided if I'm bringing my camera yet but I might take it and try snapping some shots of the action. They do a pancake breakfast, a parade and of course the football game. It should be a blast. Sunday is just as promising. I am getting together with one of my long lost friends (another one that I've been close with since we were babies) and catching up. Then it's adventure time with another set of friends. I'm so looking forward to it all. I hope your weekend is just as promising! I will be catching up on my 31 Days Project before girls night tonite too, sorry it keeps getting delayed. But not for much longer :)
Oh and here is a little "P.S" that is probably ridiculous but makes my heart happy.
Dear One Tree Hill, I am so glad I found Season 1 last night. I am sorry for losing you among all of my old DVDs I haven't watched in ages. Thank you for reminding me how much I loved you :)
Bri :)
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