


A life journal post from April 11th, 2011:


Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 *1, 10, 15, 18, *19

Observation: This passage talks about the first time Samuel hears from the Lord. The first verse of this passage tells us that "word from the Lord was rare in those days". Samuel was not familiar with God's voice, in fact he thought the voice he heard was coming from Eli. When he finally recognizes the voice and who it belongs to God revealed himself to Samuel. This revelation wasn't a "Oh hi there, how are you?" It was a, "Oh hey that guy thats training you- the one you are living with- yea I'm gonna bring judgement against him and his sons. Their sins won't be atoned by sacrifice or offering... FOREVER." When I read that I pictured the scene from The Sandlot where Squints just keeps repeating "FOR-EV-ER" slow-mo over and over again. Note that I'm not making light of what God was saying to Samuel- but can you imagine being a just a kid and the very first time you hear from God He's telling you that your mentor is going to be judged- and you get to tell him about it? Well that sounds like a fun day... But the point of this is Samuel came with an open ear, "Speak, for Your servant is listening." He came with a listening heart. I think that a lot of times we come to God just wanting to talk- or wanting something from Him. It's not very often we come just to listen. Not only did he listen to the word of the Lord, scripture says that when Eli asked him what the word was he told him everything and hid nothing from him (v.18). He didn't say,"Well God's going to have a lil chit chat with ya later... " He didn't sugar coat it- he told Eli what God said. And the result of his obedience was that Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fail. How awesome would it be to never be wrong? Well that was part of what came from his obedience. Amazing.

Application: I need to stop and listen. I need to get to the point where I can recognize the Lord calling me and respond with "Speak, for your servant is listening." When I do hear from the Lord, it then becomes my responisibilty to be obedient with the word he gives me. It brings great reward.

Prayer: Lord, I want to recognize your voice. Help me recognize You calling my name and recognize that I need to stop and listen to the word you have for me. Lord give me the wisdom to obey the words You give me because I desire to grow and have You be with me.


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